Education Research Activities

The US Air Force Academy is an institution that appreciates the value of innovation in education. The academy support a Center of Educational Innovation (CEI) and also Scholarship for Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Faculty are encouraged to engage in research related to innovation in education and the result is numerous ongoing projects involving faculty across departments and disciplines, well-supported by existing institutional infrastructure.

More information on education research that I have been personally involved in can be found below.

Knowledge Surveys

I am a member of a departmental research group focused on the implementation of knowledge surveys into our undergraduate curriculum. We have utilized knowledge surveys in major's courses taken by students in their 3rd and 4th years at the academy and have tracked students' ability to self-assess across up to 5 civil engineering courses. Results from this effort have changed the way we write exams and has also be used to develop and update course content.

Course Development

I have previously published on the topic of developing STEM courses specifically for non-STEM majors. New research/studies on course development also include the effects of introducing real data into early major's courses and how that impacts a students' experience with that same data later in their academic program.