Melissa Stewart Beauregard, Ph.D., P.E.

Teaching - Research - Engineering

Queer engineering professional  with a passion for being technically correct
Late bloomer; On-time otherwise

The views expressed are those of Melissa Stewart Beauregard, Ph.D., P.E. and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US Air Force, Department of Defense, or the US Government


The US Air Force Academy is an undergraduate-only institution with a focus on students, as evidenced by small class sizes and numerous experiential learning opportunities. I primarily teach both analysis and design courses related to geotechnical engineering within the Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

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My research background is varied, and is driven by personal interest and background as well as needs of the US Air Force. Current research topics include topics related to engineering education, thermal geotechnics, remote sensing for base maintenance, and sustainable civil infrastructure. 

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I am the owner, principal, technical director, and head of admin at MSB Consulting, LLC, a geotechnical engineering firm in Denver, Colorado. I founded the firm in 2018 with intent to work on local design projects as well as national forensic investigations.

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